All this time he thought content was king, right? Until you spend an hour or to (hopefully) making the two lists in the previous chapter.
Now you're finally going to do some brainstorming about what's actually going into the site-then you'll start dealing with how its basicly organized. The actual structure comes a little way down the line.
Time to get out lots of index cards, because rather than a less to, your going to put each topic you come up with on the top of each card.
To: to properly brainstorm, you've got to let do of thinking that an idea may be silly were stupid or impossible. Write them all down, no matter what they are. You'd be amazed at some of the things you come up with, and what cool things may come out of them.
First step: determine your site's goal
The example all use is Bonnie's bed and breakfast, a fictional seven room decor in in a small town and gold country, near the California's year that amount. Note that my brainstorm list is in no particular order, nor is there any attention paid to just how realistic the category can be carried out. This is just idea time. When your brainstorming, think of everything that may be unique about what you're subject matter is.
bed and breakfast content list
Use Microsoft Word to build a table for organizing each of these topics into six categories.